Orbitalmotoren Portfolio von Impro Fulidtek

leichte Anwendungen (Light Duty Motors)
Leistungen (int.) bis ca. 18 kW

Die WD-Motorserie ist eine wirtschaftliche Lösung für leichte Anwendungen, die ein hohes Drehmoment erfordern. Sie hat eine kleine Bauform und bietet dennoch einen hohen Wirkungsgrad über einen breiten Leistungsbereich. Die integrierten Rückschlagventile und der Leckölanschluss verringern den Druck auf die internen Dichtungen und erhöhen so die Lebensdauer des Produkts. Das Motorserie eignet sich für industrielle und mobile Anwendungen wie Autowaschbürsten, Lebensmittelverarbeitungsanlagen, Förderbänder, Werkzeugmaschinen, landwirtschaftliche Geräte, Kehrmaschinen, Anbaugeräte für Kompaktlader und vieles mehr.
Technische Daten:
- Schluckvolumen: 25-400 ccm/rev
- Max. Druck (spitze): 225 bar
- Max. Drehzahl (kont.): 1.361 rpm
- Max. Durchfluss (kont.): 60 l/min
- Max. Drehmoment (cont.): 480 Nm
- Temperature Bereich: -30°C - 85°C
- optimale Viskosität: 20 - 43 cSt
- Filterung: min. ISO 17-14
- *die genauen Werte sind abhängig von der Motrogröße und Ausführung
Funktion und Vorteile:
- Eingebaute Rückschlagventile bieten Vielseitigkeit und eine längere Lebensdauer der Dichtungen
- Eine Vielzahl von Flansch- und Wellenoptionen sorgen für Flexibilität bei der Anwendungsgestaltung
- Die Konstruktion des Schieberventils sorgt für überragende Leistung und reibungslosen Betrieb über einen breiten Drehzahl- und Drehmomentbereich
- Das integrierte Rotordesign sorgt für reibungslose Leistung, kompaktes Volumen und geringes Gewicht
- Die Option mit niedrigen Anschlüssen ist für Anwendungen mit begrenztem Platzangebot geeignet
- Sensorik optional
Typische Anwendungsbereiche und Beispiele:
- Landwirtschaftliche Geräte
- Kehrmaschinen
- Korn-Schneckenförderer
- Transport- und Förderbänder
- Bürstenantriebe
- Lebensmittelverarbeitung
- Streugeräte
- Förderschnecken
- und viele mehr

The Impro Fluidtek tradition of providing motors that excel in demanding applications continues with the WG series. WG motors provide an exceptionally solid platform for any light-duty application where sideload may present a concern. The WG incorporates our unique design which reduces friction and extends motor life. With displacements ranging from 41 - 404 cm³ [2.5 - 24.4 in³] per revolution and a choice of mounting, shaft, and port options, this motor is made to satisfy a variety of applications. The WG is a perfect fit when you require improved performance and long motor life at an affordable price.
Key facts:
- Displacement: 40-400 ccm/rev
- Max. system pressure (peak): 207 bar
- Max. speed (cont.): 830 rpm
- Max. flow (cont.): 57 l/min
- Max. Torque (cont.): 548 Nm
- Temperature Range: -30°C - 85°C
- optimal Viscosity: 20 - 43 cSt
- Filtration: min. ISO 17-14
- values vary from type and size of motor
Features and benefits:
- Needle Roller Bearing is in optimum location to allow load to be placed as close to the center line of bearing as possible
- High Pressure Buna® Shaft Seal offers superior seal life and performance and eliminates the need for a case drain
- Heavy-Duty Drive Link receives full flow lubrication to provide long life
- Rotor design increases efficiency and life by using roller contact versus solid, sliding contact design
- Rubber Energized Steel Face Seal does not extrude or melt under high pressure or high temperature
- Sensoring optional
Typical Applications:
- Conveyors
- Light-duty wheel drives
- Grain augers
- Feed rollers
- Brush drives
- Positioners
- Sweepers
- Spreaders
- Screw drives
- And more

The WP motor series is an economical alternative to a more complex roller gear set design and still provides high efficiency across a wide performance range. These motors are intended for light-duty applications requiring high torque in a compact package and are suitable for industrial and mobile applications including car wash brushes, food processing equipment, conveyors, machine tools, agricultural equipment, sweepers, skid steer attachments, and more.
Key facts:
- Displacement: 25-400 ccm/rev
- Max. system pressure (peak): 240 bar
- Max. speed (cont.): 1.570 rpm
- Max. flow (cont.): 60 l/min
- Max. Torque (cont.): 488 Nm
- Temperature Range: -30°C - 85°C
- optimal Viscosity: 20 - 43 cSt
- Filtration: min. ISO 17-14
- values vary from type and size of motor
Features and benefits:
- Built-in check valves offer versatility and increased seal life
- A variety of mounts and shafts provide flexibility in application design
- Spool valve design gives superior performance and smooth operation over a wide speed and torque range
- Standard high pressure shaft seals offer superior seal life and performance
- Sensoring optional
Typical Applications:
- Agriculture equipment
- Carwashes
- Food processing
- Spreaders
- Augers
- Conveyors
- Sweepers
- Grain augers
- Feed rollers
- Brush drives
- And more

The WR Series motors incorporate the latest advances for smooth performance, efficiency and durability. Featuring an optimized rotor geometry with seven precision rollers to eliminate sliding friction and provide rolling contact between the rotor and stator, thus increasing motor efficiency. A three-zone spool valve, integral check valves and a provision for a case drain reduce pressure on internal seals to improve product life. A wide variety of mounting, shaft, motor displacement and porting options are available to meet all application needs.
Key facts:
- Displacement: 40-400 ccm/rev
- Max. system pressure (peak): 241 bar
- Max. speed (cont.): 1.116 rpm
- Max. flow (cont.): 61 l/min
- Max. Torque (cont.): 551 Nm
- Temperature Range: -30°C - 85°C
- optimal Viscosity: 20 - 43 cSt
- Filtration: min. ISO 17-14
- values vary from type and size of motor
Features and benefits:
- A variety of mounts and shafts provides flexibility in application design
- A high pressure shaft seal offers superior seal life and performance
- The spool valve design gives superior performance and smooth operation over a wide speed and torque range
- Built-in check valves in the housing offer versatility and increased seal life
- Optimized rotor geometry provides a smooth running highly efficient product
- Sensoring optional
Typical Applications:
- Agriculture equipment
- Sweepers
- Grain augers
- Feed rollers
- Brush drives
- Conveyors
- Food processing
- Spreaders
- Augers
- And more
mittlere Anwendungen (Medium Duty Motors)
Leistungen (int.) bis ca. 22 kW

The combination of compact size, light weight and low speed efficiency make the CE motor the best wheel drive motor available. To reduce overall motor length and weight, all unnecessary material was removed from the housing and the valve was placed in the face of the rotor. The pressure compensated balance plate allows the motor to maintain high volumetric efficiencies at startup and high mechanical efficiencies during running conditions. All of these features unite to make the CE Series motor 10-25% lighter and more compact than competitive designs, making it perfect for applications with strict weight and size requirements.
Key facts:
- Displacement: 120-750 ccm/rev
- Max. system pressure (peak): 241 bar
- Max. speed (cont.): 360 rpm
- Max. flow (cont.): 76 l/min
- Max. Torque (cont.): 1.082 Nm
- Temperature Range: -30°C - 85°C
- optimal Viscosity: 20 - 43 cSt
- Filtration: min. ISO 17-14
- values vary from type and size of motor
Features and benefits:
- Needle Roller Bearing is in optimum location to allow load to be placed as close to center line of bearing as possible
- Three Bearing Options allow load carrying capability of motor to be matched to application
- Valve-In-Rotor Design provides cost effective, efficient distribution of oil and reduces overall motor length
- Pressure-Compensated Balance Plate improves volumetric efficiency at low flows and high pressure
Typical Applications:
- Medium-duty wheel drives
- Feed rollers
- Grapple heads
- Broom drives
- And more

RE Series motors offer the perfect compromise between price and performance by producing work horse power at a reasonable cost. Although these motors perform well in a wide range of applications, they are especially suited for low flow, high pressure applications. During startup, pressure causes the balance plate to flex toward the rotor, vastly improving volumetric efficiency. As the motor reaches operating pressure, the balance plate relaxes, allowing the rotor to turn freely which translates into higher mechanical efficiencies. Transmitting this power to the output shaft is the most durable drive link in its class. Four bearing options, combined with standard mounting flanges and output shafts, allow the motor to be configured to suit nearly any application.
Key facts:
- Displacement: 120-750 ccm/rev
- Max. system pressure (peak): 276 bar
- Max. speed (cont.): 360 rpm
- Max. flow (cont.): 83 l/min
- Max. Torque (cont.): 1.096 Nm
- Temperature Range: -30°C - 85°C
- optimal Viscosity: 20 - 43 cSt
- Filtration: min. ISO 17-14
- values vary from type and size of motor
Features and benefits:
- High Pressure Shaft Seal offers superior seal life and performance and eliminates need for case drain
- Three Bearing Options allow load carrying capability of motor to be matched to application
- Heavy-Duty Drive Link is the most durable in its class and receives full flow lubrication to provide long life
- Valve-In-Rotor Design provides cost effective, efficient distribution of oil and reduces overall motor length
- Pressure-Compensated Balance Plate improves volumetric efficiency at low flows and high pressure
- Sensoring optional
Typical Applications:
- Medium-duty wheel drives
- Mixers
- Swing drives
- Feed rollers
- Augers
- Winch drives
- Grapple heads
- Broom drives
- And more
schwere Anwendungen (Heavy Duty Motors)
Leistungen (int.) bis ca. 33 kW

WS 360-Series
The WS targets agricultural equipment, skid steer attachments, and other applications that require greater torque under demanding conditions. Additional product features include a three zone commutator valve, heavy-duty tapered roller bearings, and case drain with integral internal drain. The WS offers numerous housing, displacement and shaft options to meet most common SAE and European requirements.
Key facts:
- Displacement: 80-500 ccm/rev
- Max. system pressure (peak): 295 bar
- Max. speed (cont.): 793 rpm
- Max. flow (cont.): 75 l/min
- Max. Torque (cont.): 910 Nm
- Temperature Range: -30°C - 85°C
- optimal Viscosity: 20 - 43 cSt
- Filtration: min. ISO 17-14
- values vary from type and size of motor
Features and benefits:
- Twelve shaft and ten mounting options to meet the most common SAE and European requirements.
- Heavy- duty tapered roller bearings for extra side load capacity.
- Three zone commutator valve for high flow capacity.
- Standard case drain with integral internal drain for extended shaft seal life.
Typical Applications:
- Heavy-duty wheel drives
- Grain augers
- Feed rollers
- Mowers
- Sweepers
- Spreaders
- Brush drives
- Harvesting equipment
- And more

WS-Serie 365/366
Die WS-Serie ist für landwirtschaftliche Geräte, Kompaktlader-Anbaugeräte und andere Anwendungen gedacht, die ein höheres Drehmoment unter anspruchsvollen Bedingungen erfordern. Zu den weiteren Produktmerkmalen gehören ein Drei-Zonen-Kommutatorventil, hochbelastbare Kegelrollenlager und die Option einer integrierten Leckölleitung.
Die WS-Serie bietet zahlreiche Gehäuse-, Hubraum- und Wellenoptionen, um die meisten gängigen SAE- und europäischen Anforderungen zu erfüllen.
Technische Daten:
- Schluckvolumen: 80-500 ccm/rev
- Max. Druck (spitze): 310 bar
- Max. Drehzahl (kont.): 843 rpm
- Max. Durchfluss (kont.): 76 l/min
- Max. Drehmoment (kont.): 861 Nm
- Temperature Bereich: -30°C - 83°C
- optimale Viskosität: 20 - 43 cSt
- Fliterung: min. ISO 17-14
- *die genauen Werte sind abhängig von der Motrogröße und Ausführung
Funktion und Vorteile:
- Zehn Wellen- und sechs Befestigungsoptionen, um die gängigsten SAE- und europäischen Anforderungen zu erfüllen
- Hochbelastbare Kegelrollenlager für zusätzliche Seitenlastkapazität
- Hochbelastbares Antriebsglied mit größerem Teilkreisdurchmesser als bei den Mitbewerbern für höhere Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Druck- und Drehmomentspitzen
- Drei-Zonen-Kommutatorventil für hohe Durchflussleistung
- Standardmäßige Gehäuseentleerung mit integrierter interner Leckölführung für eine längere Lebensdauer der Wellendichtung
Typische Anwendungsbereiche und Beispiele:
- Hochbelastbare Radantriebe
- Korn-Schneckenförderer
- Transportbänder
- Mähmaschinen
- Kehrmaschinen
- Streugeräte
- Bürstenantriebe
- Anbaugeräte für die Erne
- und viele mehr